What is estrogen dominanceAs functional medicine doctors with years of experience practicing in Brea, we have found that estrogen dominance is a leading cause of weight gain, especially for the elderly. Keep hope alive, though. By taking the right supplements and making some changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can reverse this imbalance and lose weight more quickly. Read on to learn more!

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance arises when there is an excess of estrogen in your body or an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. What does this mean in practical terms? It means your hormonal equilibrium is out of whack, resulting in a plethora of unpleasant symptoms.

The symptoms of estrogen dominance

In women, symptoms can include weight gain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), bloating, mood swings, anxiety, depression, a foggy brain, breast tenderness, and more severe conditions like fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis. Men aren’t spared either. For them, estrogen dominance might manifest as belly fat, “man boobs” or gynecomastia, fatigue, mood swings, depression or anxiety, and a dip in their sex drive.

The vicious cycle: Estrogen, fat, and weight gain

Have you ever found yourself wondering why weight gain often seems like a never-ending cycle? Well, estrogen and fat are closely linked. The more estrogen you have, the more fat you’re likely to store, thanks to the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. As a result, aromatase activity increases, resulting in lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels. So the cycle continues, and the pounds pile up.

Breaking the cycle: Correcting estrogen imbalance

Fortunately, it’s possible to normalize your estrogen levels. These include:

1. Exercise & diet

Top of the list is regular exercise, which helps detoxify estrogens. Pair this with a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale for nutrients that will keep estrogen levels in check.

2. Balancing your gut bacteria

Our gut bacteria play a more significant role in our health than most of us realize. Some unfriendly bacteria can cause you to recirculate estrogens, similar to a toilet that doesn’t flush well. It is possible to promote better hormonal balance by getting rid of these bad bacteria and supporting the good ones.

3. Avoid xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are environmental compounds that mimic estrogen. The most common sources are pesticides sprayed on non-organic fruits and vegetables, bottled water, cosmetics, and birth control pills. 

4. Stress management

An effective stress management program plays an important role in balancing hormones. High-stress levels increase cortisol production, thereby depleting progesterone – a hormone that counters estrogen. Maintaining an appropriate level of stress allows you to maintain a healthy estrogen balance.

What supplements can correct estrogen dominance

What supplements can correct estrogen dominance?

In addition to lifestyle changes, there are several supplements that are capable of correcting estrogen dominance.

  • DIM: Balances hormones by supporting the liver in metabolizing estrogen.
  • Calcium-d-glucarate: Promotes the removal of excess estrogen from the body.
  • Milk thistle: Supports liver function and helps to detoxify excess hormones from the body.
  • NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine): An antioxidant that supports liver health and stimulates the elimination of excess hormones.

Where can I find experienced functional medicine doctors in Brea?

By understanding how your body works and making changes to your diet, lifestyle, and supplement regimen, you can break the cycle of weight gain and become healthier and happier. So, in case you suspect hormone imbalance is contributing to excess weight, get in touch with us to check your hormones. We’ll create a personalized treatment plan for you, and we’ll get you started on that weight loss journey.

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