
How Stress Affects Women’s Health

How Stress Affects Women’s Health

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but its impact on women’s health can be profound and far-reaching. From hormonal imbalances to chronic illnesses, understanding how stress affects the female...

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Common Causes of Gut Microbiome Imbalance

Common Causes of Gut Microbiome Imbalance

Have you ever felt unexpectedly bloated after a meal or found yourself in a sudden mood swing? These uncomfortable experiences might actually be signs of an unbalanced gut microbiome. Simple things...

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Top Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms

Top Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause is that inevitable chapter in the life of anyone who goes through menstrual cycles, usually hitting somewhere between the ages of 45 and 55. It's like nature's own way of signaling a new...

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Diet and Menopause

Diet and Menopause

Menopause marks a major milestone in a woman's life, bringing with it hormonal shifts that can touch everything from how we feel physically to our emotional state. It's a time known for its mix of...

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Functional Medicine vs. HRT in Menopause

Functional Medicine vs. HRT in Menopause

Going through menopause can be tough for a lot of women, with symptoms that can be anything from a minor nuisance to really severe. There's a lot of talk about how to handle these symptoms best. In...

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Functional Medicine for Menopause

Functional Medicine for Menopause

Menopause marks a natural transition in a woman's life, yet for many, moving into their post-fertility phase comes with its share of discomforts and new hurdles. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to...

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6 Common Symptoms of Poor Lymph Flow

If you've been feeling off and your usual pep is nowhere to be found, a detox might sound like the quick fix you need. But the real deal in getting back to your vibrant self often hinges on your...

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Why You Should Try Therapeutic Massage

In a world dominated by to-do lists, endless notifications, and a relentless pace, finding moments of stillness can feel like a luxury. Amidst all the chaos, there's a quiet, healing refuge waiting...

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5 Approaches to Massage Therapy

Ever had one of those days where everything feels just a Maybe it's a stiff neck from too much screen time, or perhaps it's stress making your shoulders tense. That's where therapeutic...

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The Natural Element of Fertility

The Natural Element of Fertility

At our practice, we see a lot of women who are trying to conceive (TTC). Some women come for Functional Medicine consultations (lab- and supplement-based), others come for our Optimal Fertility...

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Could Yeast Be Underlying Your Allergies?

Allergies hit home for me. My husband and I both suffered from chronic nasal allergies as children (me all the way into my mid 30s), and both of my sons have had childhood allergies. Currently, I’m...

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The Impact of Stress on Your Hormones

Hormones and stress, stress and hormones! Everyone has stress, but not everyone deals with it in the same way. And everyone has hormones, but not everyone’s hormones are balanced. If you suspect...

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How to Beat the Flu and Winter Blues

In my 20+ years of living in southern California, this winter has been the least, shall I say, “fun." Perhaps it was the flu that hit my whole family like dominoes over the Christmas break, or...

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Selah. A Response to Stress.

I am of the generation that has seen the birth and rapid maturity of the internet. I was always a couple of years behind my peers with the latest tech… getting a discman, a beeper, a digital camera,...

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A Thousand Stressors, One Response

Some of us play it tough. We are work horses, but we won't let you see us sweat. We've got a heavy dose of pride pushing us, and a whole lot of passion - for our children, for our work, for...

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Balancing Your Hormones

 “My hormones are out of wack!"“I just feel off.”“I don’t feel like myself.”"I'm so irritable lately."“I feel like I’m going crazy!”Does any of this sound familiar to you? Maybe...

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Surrender – It’s Healthy

I recall Oprah once talking about a very difficult time in her life, when she was battling it out with the meat industry in court over a comment she had made on her talk show, and she was feeling...

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Not Everything in Moderation

My husband and I were enjoying an outdoor dinner gala at a Palm Springs business retreat one late August night. Drinks and appetizers were being served, and a fellow with whom my husband happened to...

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Peace Takes Practice

You'd think that, if given an hour to lie down, close your eyes, and listen to soft music while getting a massage, it'd be the easiest thing for anyone to do. Just relax. Chill. Be still. But the...

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How Does Your Stress Signature Look?

Beyond the smiling faces and glad tidings posted on Facebook, underneath the pretty clothes and makeup, behind the executive desks and bedroom doors, inside homes and workplaces, inside ourselves,...

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Massage – The Necessary Luxury

I always say it and I’ll say it again – massage should not be a luxury – it’s a necessity. How many times have we moaned and groaned about the stiffness in our neck or the ache in our lower back?...

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