Take a More Effective Approach to Healthcare With a Functional Medicine Doctor in Whittier

Are you ready to pull the weeds of disease up by their roots? That’s where Functional Medicine comes in.

$325 initial visit / $250 follow-ups

Leave no stone unturned with Functional Medicine

Oasis Healing Functional Medicine & Wellness Center offers a holistic, cross-disciplinary approach to healthcare that places patients in Whittier at the very center. Thanks to Functional Medicine, we move beyond the conventional disease-oriented method to understand the root causes of compromised health, looking at the whole person rather than an isolated symptom.

Dr. Jamie Chan-Ortega

Dr. Jamie has over 20 years of experience in the fields of holistic healthcare and Functional Medicine. Through her expert knowledge of human wellness and her use of advanced functional diagnostic lab tests, she has helped thousands of people heal their illnesses and create enduring health. Dr. Jamie offers consultations by appointment in-person, via video conference, or over the phone.

Dr. Jamie Chan-Ortega, Ph.D.
$325 initial visit / $250 follow-ups
**Video & Phone Consultations Available

Looking for a proven approach to improved health?

Optimal health with a Functional Medicine specialist in Whittier

Functional Medicine Consultation & Personalized Treatment Programs

Dr. Jamie listens carefully to every detail of your health story during the initial consultation. She discusses your medical and family history, as well as other key factors impacting your health such as your lifestyle, dietary habits, genetics, toxic exposures, emotions, stressors, and spiritual life.

Dr. Jamie will suggest the most relevant specialty lab tests then discuss your results at your second visit. She uses your lab results to determine the root causes of your unique health issues and prepares a customized treatment plan that combines nutritional supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes, bio-identical hormones, and/or stress management techniques.

Chronic Stress Reset / Adrenal Fatigue Program

Whatever the cause of your stress, your body and brain will gradually lose strength and resiliency if the stress is not mitigated. The consequences of chronic stress can be summed up as a loss of adaptation, resulting in:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep issues

Dr. Jamie designs a customized Functional Medicine treatment program for patients in Whittier to reset their stress response, rebalance their systems, and restore optimal health.

Want to gain control over your health issues?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Functional Medicine doctor?

Functional Medicine doctors in Whittier specialize in identifying and treating the root causes of complex health issues.

To figure out where the problem comes from, they can examine multiple factors contributing to a single condition, or multiple conditions causing a single symptom. With a clear understanding of the causes, they design a treatment plan that is personalized, comprehensive, and aimed at achieving specific results.

What conditions does a Functional Medicine doctor treat?

Functional Medicine doctors treat a wide range of health issues, including:

  • Adrenal stress disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Environmental and food allergies
  • PMS, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Digestive disorders
  • Metabolic issues like diabetes, pre-diabetes, and insulin resistance
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Fibromyalgia

What is the difference between a Functional Medicine doctor and a regular doctor?

In contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine which focuses on treating disease symptoms with pharmaceuticals, Functional Medicine goes deeper, targeting the underlying causes and supporting the patient’s innate healing mechanisms to create true health and healing, not just mask symptoms.

Typically, these factors relate to the environment and lifestyle, such as dietary habits, emotional health, sleeping patterns, physical activity, stress, and hidden infections.

What are the reasons to see a Functional Medicine doctor?

These are the most common reasons why people in Whittier choose to visit a Functional Medicine doctor near them:

  1. Longer appointments: It is common for Functional Medicine doctors to spend more time with you because they take a detailed history of your health and life experiences. They listen to your whole story, from your childhood illnesses to your current stress levels and lifestyle habits, and everything in between, in order to understand your current health issues and how to effectively treat it.
  2. Alternative treatments: Functional Medicine doctors prescribe alternative treatments like nutritional supplements, bioidentical hormones, herbs, meditation, breathing exercises, light therapy, and specific foods to consume or avoid. Dr. Jamie does not prescribe pharmaceutical drugs. On the rare occasion that she may consider medication to be of benefit to you, she will educate you on the pharmaceutical and guide you in how to discuss it with your primary treating physician.
  3. Lasting relief from a chronic illness: Patients suffering from chronic illnesses in Whittier can find hope and real healing through Functional Medicine, because FM doctors are trained to address the root causes of illness in order to provide not just temporary relief, but ongoing healing.
  4. Personalized approach: Functional Medicine is by definition “personalized medicine.” Functional Medicine doctors take the time to really get to know you and “see you.” You are not just another 15-min appointment, and you are never a statistic. You are a valued patient who deserves to be heard and helped.

Where can I find an experienced Functional Medicine doctor near me in Whittier?

Oasis Healing Functional Medicine & Wellness Center in Whittier is one of the most reputable health and wellness establishments in the area, providing patients with expert Functional Medicine care.

Oasis Healing Arts Wellness Center is home to Dr. Jamie, our resident Functional Medicine doctor, as well as highly skilled acupuncturists and massage therapists. You can reach our experts in Whittier and surrounding areas for a wide range of healthcare services, such as:

What’s more, our services aren’t just available in Whittier, but you can also rely on us for:

With our help, we’ll create a treatment plan tailored to your needs to support your health and well-being.

Your Functional Medicine Journey