In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we’ve got food at our fingertips 24/7. It’s not just about survival anymore—it’s a social activity, a comfort after a long day, a reward, a celebration. However, have we strayed too far from the natural rhythms of our bodies? Have we forgotten an essential practice hardwired into our biology—fasting?

As functional medicine specialists, we invite you on a journey back to your roots, a deep dive into the surprising benefits of the often-overlooked art of fasting. Are you ready to change your perspective and discover how skipping a meal might just be the ticket to improved health and better weight management? Let’s delve in.

Fasting: The Natural State of Being

Why is insulin known as the fat-storage hormoneOur bodies are wired to thrive not just on eating but also on fasting. It may come as a surprise to many, but fasting is our natural state. When we sleep for eight hours, that’s an automatic eight-hour fast right there. So why should we consider fasting more frequently?

Several studies suggest that compressing our eating window and switching to a ketogenic, fat-burning mode can significantly improve our weight management. Essentially, we should aim to have long periods when we’re not eating anything, hence not spiking our blood sugar levels or activating the insulin response.

The Rhythm of Eating: Timing is Everything

Frequent eating, especially outside the body’s natural rhythm, can lead to chronic increases in insulin, a hormone that promotes fat storage. By giving our bodies a break from constant digestion, we allow ourselves to tap into our stored fat for energy.

This is where the concept of intermittent fasting comes in. Without diving into a full-blown seminar, intermittent fasting essentially involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. The goal is to give our bodies enough time to use up the glucose in our blood and start burning fat.

Why is insulin known as the fat-storage hormone?

Insulin is a hormone that regulates our blood sugar levels. After we eat, our blood sugar rises, triggering insulin release. Insulin then shuttles the sugar into our cells for immediate use or stores it as fat for future energy needs.

Overeating, especially carb-laden foods, can lead to frequent and significant insulin surges. Over time, our cells can become resistant to insulin’s effects, leading to higher insulin levels and more fat storage.

Is fasting good for weight management?

Fasting can be a powerful tool for weight management, and here’s why.

Autophagy and Fasting

Fasting triggers a process called autophagy, a cellular cleanup act that gets rid of damaged cells and proteins and helps the body regenerate healthy cells. This process may also contribute to weight loss and improved metabolic health.

Fasting and Metabolic Health

When we fast, our bodies switch from burning glucose to burning fat for energy, a state known as ketosis. This metabolic switch not only promotes weight loss but also improves various markers of metabolic health.

The Ideal Fasting Window

So, what’s the ideal fasting window? While it can vary depending on individual needs, aiming for about 15 hours of fasting can be a good starting point for many.

Where can I find functional medicine specialists to help me transition to a fasting lifestyle?

Is fasting good for weight managementTransitioning to a fasting lifestyle may seem daunting at first. However, with time, our bodies can adapt to this rhythm. The key is to listen to your body and adjust as needed. Remember, health is a journey, not a destination.

Looking to dive deeper into your health journey, but unsure of the next step? Dr. Jamie is here to guide you through. Whether you’re halfway across the globe or just down the street, you can easily connect for a comprehensive consultation via webcam or phone. Just give us a call at 562-789-1588 to get back to your natural rhythm and allow your body to rest.

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