Could Yeast Be Underlying Your Allergies?

Allergies hit home for me. My husband and I both suffered from chronic nasal allergies as children (me all the way into my mid 30s), and both of my sons have had childhood allergies. Currently, I’m treating my 7-year-old for his allergies, and in the course of...

The Impact of Stress on Your Hormones

Hormones and stress, stress and hormones! Everyone has stress, but not everyone deals with it in the same way. And everyone has hormones, but not everyone’s hormones are balanced. If you suspect that stress is impacting your hormones, or if you’re feeling anxious,...

How to Beat the Flu and Winter Blues

In my 20+ years of living in southern California, this winter has been the least, shall I say, “fun." Perhaps it was the flu that hit my whole family like dominoes over the Christmas break, or the non-stop busy holiday season that’s just kept revving...